Post-doc position available!

We are looking for a post-doc to work on our ERC-funded miniature greenhouse gas analyzer project. The project leverages the fiber-based Fabry-Perot microcavities developed in our group to enable a miniature trace gas analyser for greenhouse gases. A first proof-of-principle device has already been built, showing the feasibility of an instrument that maintains the precision and selectivity of cavity-enhanced spectroscopy in a device that is a fraction of the volume and weight of existing analyzers, small and light enough to be mounted on a drone. The goals of the postdoc project are to develop spectroscopic techniques that perform optimally in this novel context, and to extend our technology further into the mid-infrared region. The results of the project will be brought to the market by the recently founded startup company Mirega SAS.

If you have a strong background in experimental AMO physics involving high-precision techniques, and you are looking for a challenging but rewarding project that turns frontier research into a product with positive societal impact, this could be for you. Previous experience in the development of advanced high-precision and/or low-noise gas spectroscopy techniques is a plus, but we are equally happy to consider candidates from fields such as atomic frequency standards, experimental techniques in ultracold atoms, high-stability lasers, and other related fields. If you envisage a transition from academic research to industrial R&D, or if you want to develop your profile at the interface of academic research and engineering, this job could be an excellent choice. Please contact