Post-doc position available!

We are looking for a post-doc to work on our ERC-funded miniature greenhouse gas analyzer project. The project leverages the fiber-based Fabry-Perot microcavities developed in our group to enable a miniature trace gas analyser for greenhouse gases. A first proof-of-principle device has already been built, showing the feasibility of an instrument that maintains the precision …

MiTra receives ERC PoC grant

Our miniature greenhouse gas analyzer project has been awarded an ERC Proof-of-Concept (PoC) grant.  This will boost our development of an ultracompact yet very accurate analyzer based on our fiber Fabry-Perot microcavity technology. It will measure the concentration of greenhouse gases with an accuracy and stability rivaling state-of-the art instruments, but in a handheld, drone-mountable …

Spectral engineering of cavity-protected polaritons in an atomic ensemble

Our paper presenting the demonstration of spectral engineering of polaritons in a cold atom cavity system has been published in Nature Physics on Mai 2, 2023. You can read the full paper by accessing it here: In this study, we investigate the influence of strong cavity interactions on the protection of polartions against emitter inhomogeneities, hightlighting the role …

Long-lived metrological spin squeezing

Atomic clocks and sensors are among the most precise measurement instruments in the world, but they can still be improved. Indeed, all of them so far use uncorrelated atoms, creating statistical noise called quantum projection noise which limits their performance once more mundane noise sources have been removed. It is known that this limit can …

Mapping of the microscopic standing-wave field in a fiber Fabry-Perot microcavity with a nanowire probe

Our collaboration with Olivier Arcizet’s group at Institut Neel has allowed mapping of the microscopic standing-wave field in a fiber Fabry-Perot microcavity with a nanowire probe that is sensitive to the field of a single photon. This work just appeared in Physical Review X on 8 April 2021. The CNRS published a News item about this work (in French).